Home Share
Home Share provides an opportunity for adults to reside in a safe and supported home environment with a trained Home Share provider. The home is supported 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It was once referred to as a foster care arrangement, but with the specific needs of each person supported the Home Share is designed to meet the needs of the individual.
Home Share provides an environment where the individual supported is a contributing and valued member of the household, family, and community, and is empowered to live a fulfilling and meaningful life. Care providers and the Home Share Coordinator work collaboratively with the rest of the support team to assist individuals to meet their goals and realize their potential. Individuals supported may be involved in day services or work opportunities.
Simaril is looking for Home Share providers with specific skills and the willingness to open their home and provide this special experience. We are looking for caring people willing to provide a long-term home with a caring and responsive approach.

Interested in becoming a home share provider?
- The entire process to become a licensed home share provider can take on average 2-3 months
- A home share providers’ residence must meet Residential Care Licensing and Fire Code Standards
- Criminal Record and Adult Abuse Registry checks are required for all home share providers, respite workers and any other adult residing in home at their own cost.
- All home share providers and their immediate family members must participate in an extensive home study interview process to determine suitability.
- All respite Providers must be trained and certified in First Aid/CPR and NVCI.
- References are required